The Little Lulu Show Database Wiki is a guide to everything on Cookie Jar Group and Nelvana's "The Little Lulu Show" franchise. Founded in January 2007, the wiki was based off of the original THe LiTTLE LULu SHoW series, an American-Canadian 2D-animated children's comedy television series produced by CiNAR Corporation that features an American city named Peekskill, New York with an stand-up comedian of a young girl named Little Lulu Moppet. The franchise's aspect has since expanded and now consists of six TV shows, a web series, five films, several video games and comics.
This wiki is dedicated to providing detailed information on the in-universe world of The Little Lulu Show, as well as keeping up-to-date on the franchise's latest news, including the highly anticipated 2015 reboot THe LiTTLE LULu SHoW: A NeW LiFE.